Good Deed Ideas
Do a Good Deed Today
Here are some simple and easy good deeds you can do for anyone anywhere today:
Smile at the next five people you see and say hello
Hold a door open for somebody
Let someone ahead of you in the grocery line if they just have a few items
Sit and talk to someone while waiting for an appointment instead of being on your device.
Take fresh cookies to ____( a neighbor, fire station, police station, local school)
Take water bottles to the construction workers, road crew, etc.
Read a story to a child
Give a compliment to a stranger
Hug your parent/child and say thank you for being you
Send a card/email to someone you know that works hard and tell them how you appreciate them
Notice a kind deed your child does and tell them you are proud to see the type of person he or she is becoming
Pick up trash on your playground/in your neighborhood
Take the grocery cart back to the store for someone
Give a flower to a stranger
Invite a shy friend to play/visit with you
Donate a toy to the homeless shelter
Give an hour of your time to a good cause
Give your change to a homeless person
Help an elderly person with some yardwork
Write a note to your clergy leader telling three things you appreciate
Offer to wash a neighbor’s car
Give to the food bank
Join the bone marrow registry/Give Blood/ Take a CPR class
Make amends with someone
Pay for the car behind you at the fast food restaurant
Offer to babysit free for a busy couple you know
Donate school supplies for a student/teacher
Write a positive note for someone. Leave it on their desk or in their lunch bag
Buy a bike/bike helmet for a needy child
Buy groceries/gift card for a hungry person
Set up a scholarship for a bright but poor high school graduate
Pay the repair bill to get a poor person’s car working again
If you are a professional person (dentist, lawyer, medical personnel, accountant, etc.) donate your time for free to a needy person